Sometimes, I ask myself, when last did I hit the bed and just lie there sleeping till morning? because like I said in my post on “kids leaving adults bedroom for good” I realised that often times, it is not the kids who come
What really keeps me very happy with all the sleep deprivation is the fact that I keep reminding myself that this is the only opportunity that I have to do all these for them. In a “a few” years they are all gone.
When kids leave for college, they are gone. After college is not the time to “loose sleep” over a child.
All the long years of sleep deprivation will surely be regained, Yes. A time comes in every mother’s life when you will get bored with always having to sleep with no child to attend to.
For any lady who plans to have kids, I think that sleep deprivation is something to expect, so get yourself ready for it. However try to feel good about it because, a time comes when kids won’t be the cause of sleep deprivation, cos they would be gone. seriously!
Any word for young mothers going through this sleep deprivation thing?
Wow I love ur blog, its really inspirational. Keep up d good work