blended yam in a pot on a gas burner

The very first time I posted my excellent raw blender pounded yam recipe on the Facebook cooking group ‘So You think you can cook? Couldn’t understand why anyone would complain about something so easy and so good.

Even though some people had good reviews about their experiences with raw blend poundo, a few others swore never to try it again. Some complained that they tried and the poundo
yam changed colour, of course, the specie of yam is to blame for that or aluminium pot interaction with the food.

Those who complained about the fufu not being elastic were not taken seriously by me because after all, even when we pound yam with mortar and pestle, some type won’t just be elastic however you try. Well, Others complained that their experience was different.

The yam refused to cook and just tasted raw. How can I believe that story, that yam cooked and stirred on fire will taste raw. Well, my response was that they didn’t let it cook long enough and that was it.

I forgot about the post and even posted on aluminium pots, to try and convince anyone that  didn’t know  aluminium pots are not the best healthwise. Also wrote about the best type of yams for raw blending and Case closed.

This past weekend, we got some very fat yams, the type my people call “foolish yam” but I never use that name because to me… how can food be called foolish? The explanation I got growing up was that the yam is foolish because it grows fast and keeps gaining weight whether the soil is fertile or not.

I never liked that yam oh, reason being that it doesn’t really taste great like the white yams called ‘Ada Onitsha’ and even in the dry season when all yams begin to naturally taste sweet after losing some juice content, that ‘foolish yam doesn’t taste sweet at all but sha it’s great for famine and when food cost is high like now.

I jejely peeled one small piece, about 1kg, warmed my honourable egusi soup and set aside, then felt like, “ok, in just a few minutes we’ll be eating lunch’ For where?

After raw blending and putting yam on the stove, a stirring began like a joke and I stirred yam in the pot until my wrist was aching.

The soup we warmed was gradually beginning to get cold, the yam pot was even beginning to get burnt, yam refused to taste cooked while starting to feel hard and oh dear, we started to add water and could even feel tiny lumps.

Stirring continued because anytime anyone touched the fufu on their tongue, it tasted raw. After turning (stirring) like forever and yam refused to cook well, we turned off the heat and served like that.

Thankfully, there was no issue after consumption of the almighty strong head poundo yam. 

Why am I posting this? To let those who complained know that they were right about some raw blend poundo tasting raw and that may be because they used ‘clever foolish yam’ ( I hate to call it that). Next time I meet face to face with smart foolish yam, it won’t be a raw blend.

It will be boiled and pounded manually or ground with a food processor to help myself. Aside from this experience with the clever yam, all my raw blender pounded yam trials have been awesome. Now I can go to sleep. Good night people. 

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