frying irish potatoes |
After spending time in the kitchen, sweating it out, chopping vegetables, burning precious fingers in hot oil, breaking glasses in the rush to cook fast and beat dinner time. After exhausting the meat in the freezer to make the meal exciting and proteinous, driving from shop to shop looking for that particular spice that wows your family, the meal is ready and served. The table is set. Suddenly every one comes up to say they are sorry they can’t eat cos they don’t feel hungry. How would you feel?
How would you feel when after all the cooking, boiling, frying and sweating, no one turns up at the dining? I don’t know how it feels and do not want to experience it because it doesn’t sound interesting.
Why am I talking off post topic? It’s because I truly deeply appreciate your reading my blog. No matter the content, if you do not read, then my aim of blogging is defeated. I truly appreciate the fact that you guys read and remember to come back again. There are millions of blogs out there, very good and great ones for that matter, well organised and soothing, yet you still remember to read my inexperienced blog.
The feeling, the joy in me is like that of a woman who cooks and then watches with excitement as people scramble to clear the pots. It is a good feeling when you know that those you write for or cook for actually appreciate and love what you offer. What wows me the most is your finding time to take pictures of your own recipes and share with us here. I feel like a proud wife and mother who watches her pot being cleared and then hears an uplifting chorus of “Thank you” from the same people who helped her prevent the food from waste.
I am grateful to you, you and you still reading.
Do we just go from here for today? No, let me do the irish potato thing. I can’t think of any potato recipe on this blog, so, carry go!
I have waited two hours just trying to upload pictures. Very frustrating. I give up. More pics later!
Later is now. I just uploaded. Enjoy! |
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Awww…thank you for bringing us tasty home meals daily. And your blog is more enriching than most. Keep it up 🙂
I finish suffering to cook and people say they don't want to eat? Na there wahala go dey o.
I like your blog and i lol'ed at more soothing and organized.
Keep up the good work.
Love this.really healthy
Aww, you make your meals easy to cook and a lot of people can relate with you. I actually like coming to your blog even if its just to look at the food. lol. Always appetizing….
Hmmm, your blog has a way of 'forcing' me to go make these meals…lol
Keep it up sis!
Because of your blog I am now more conscious of what I cook and how I cook it. Thank you. Your blog is easy to relate to so we are happy to be here….
How do i make sausages; fried or????
You can fry, boil or grill sausages.
Thank you Ahdaisy
Madame Sting
Eya abeg change this your frying pan na….., nice meal..
The Fry Pan does not affect the taste of the food sister Anonymous!
Can u elucidate on how to bake irish potatoes; Mrs AJ
How I bake mine is simple: Wash, cut in two halves, salt and leave in the oven until they are done.
Yesterday, Mtn dealt wif me, network was bad all tru d day! I felt really empty, i needed to check out Eya's blog! At around 8.15pm, voila, i heard my first PING! I ran to my fone, went straight to Eya's blog, den i paused for a minute and thought to myself…what's wrong with you??? I love dis blog, its now a part of me, even my family members think i'm going crazy…lol! Keep it up Eya!
Hahaha, @ Shayor, MTN should not try person o. 🙁
wow you blog has been so helpful to me cause i alawys have something new am trying out…u dont understand wat you really use servitte for while frying your potatoes