Sleep deprivation?
I woke up this morning with a banging head ache, and then my husband tells me that my eyes look like I did not sleep
at all.
at all.
This is as a result of late night blogging. It is so much fun that I just do not know when to stop!. The night before last, I sat down with my system after the girls had gone to bed. This was at 9pm and I was just posting and enjoying the page views. Suddenly, I realised that everywhere was quiet and when I looked at the clock, it was 6am of yesterday.
I need to recover that lost sleep, but do not know how to just STOP! viewing my young blog “ha ha ha”
Now, I am sitting down here with the system and thinking…. ” how long can one go without sleep?”
Now, I am sitting down here with the system and thinking…. ” how long can one go without sleep?”
I decided to look around and here is what I have to share with you:
According to the National Sleep Research Project,
1. the record for the longest period without sleep is 18 days.
2. The continous brain recording that led to the discovery of REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep were not done until 1953, partly because the scientists involved were concerned about wasting paper. etc et
No matter how busy our schedule, I think that at one point or the other, the body system just needs to “shut down” Right nowI’m just going to shut down and catch up with my lost sleep before the girls are back from school. *yawns*