Cheating husband slapped by both wife and mistress during confrontation (Video)

Both cheeks suffer as wife and mistress land slaps on cheating husband! A spurned wife got her own back in dramatic fashion when she confronted her cheating husband and his alleged mistress in

A shocking clip , believed to have been filmed earlier this week, was shot on the streets of Shaanxi Province in north-western China.

It shows the man being slapped by his mistress when she realises he has been lying about being single.

The wife allegedly first grabbed hold of the young mistress’s hair as the man protected his lover and tried to free her.

The woman said: “Call the police! This is my husband.”



The husband then roared: “Let go!” “Call the police!” the wife repeated, to which a bystander said: “Let go of her first.”

During the scuffle, the wife appeared to realise the alleged ‘homewrecker’ was clueless about the affair too and let her go.

After being freed, the younger woman slapped her boyfriend, saying: “Why have you been lying to me all this time?”

Video shows the wife cling onto her husband’s shirt as he appears to strike her.

“Hit me,” she tells her spouse,” adding: “I’ve been with you for 20 years. I’m not going anywhere. The man is then yelled at by both his spouse and his lover, as the spurned wife turns her attention fully on the unfaithful husband.

“I’ve been married to him for 20 years!” she repeats, adding: “I’m not going anywhere.”

The husband draws gasps from the crowd when he punches his wife in the face after she refuses to let go of him and calls him “heartless.”

Towards the end of the video, the heartbroken wife, who says she is in her 40s, reveals to the crowd of onlookers: “He wanted me to give him a son.” “I had twin girls, but he wanted a son,” she added.


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