15 ways to dispose used sanitary pads in Nigeria

sanitary pads
Disposing sanitary pads in Nigeria.

To dispose sanitary pads in Nigeria, if you have any of jik bleach or any other household bleach, methylated spirit, dettol, izal, kerosine or fuel, then it’s easy to make the used pads even more useless before disposing them. With any of these liquids poured directly where menstrual blood stain is on the pad, it changes the blood to a different compound completely. Abi una nor do science? It’s no longer blood and can no longer be used by any Yahoo Yahoo.

That’s what I told my teenage ts to be doing since they always have jik and dettol at school with them.

We need more sense. As the yahoo boys get dirtier, we need to get smarter. Change the blood to jikky blood, or keroblood and let’s see if they can use that kerosine or jik or even fuel smell on pads

If you live in Nigeria right now. Then you have heard the stories. How do you protect your used sanitary pads from

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Mum describes and appreciates her gynaecologist in a way that will leave you thinking about yours

gynae photo courtesy: Tsholo

My Gynaecologist just retired and i am sad. 😭

When i went to Kaiser’s network of doctors online in search of a gynaecologist, i saw his picture and my spirit accepted him instantly. I do like older doctors.
I trusted my instincts and chose him as my doctor and i am glad i did.

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12 Marriage Tips for wives of stingy husband in Nigeria

tips to help wives of stingy husband
Marriage tips for women married to stingy husband.

Aunty Eya, I need you to help me share this marriage tips with other wives please ma.

Marriage tips are not for women who use family budget money to sew aso-ebi. If the reason your husband is writing

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