Men exchange blows over husband who battered his wife

A Youth leader in Delta State, Prince Ado of Ekpang Community, has beaten up his wife to stupor. He battered the new mum for leaving him with their five month old baby while she went clubbing. Then took pictures of her battered face and posted online, blasting her friend for the night clubbing company given his wife.

This didn’t go down well with a lot of people.Those who feel like beating her up for going clubbing is not the solution and that posting her picture Online is even worse. Not only that those pics can be used as evidence against him, but shaming her like that before the whole world?

However, some still supported him for beating her up and these ones feel that he paid her bride price and has the right to do whatsoever he wishes with her especially when it has to do with the baby at home for a nightclub with friends.

Do you also feel like she abandoned her baby and he is right for pummelling her like that?


Take a look at the arguments below and share your thoughts…

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