Not about the pepper soup. Your husband planned to go out

pepper soup
Fish pepper soup by oversabi noise maker


It’s really not about you not cooking his pepper soup at night. If he truly craved pepper soup, hubby would have stopped at the market/supermarket. He would have shopped the fish on his way home. This was his way of announcing his other relationship to you. Making you feel worthless and useless.

Even a pregnant woman craving fish pepper soup could have understood that you just came back from work too and need a little rest after cooking dinner. He could have just waited till the next day to enjoy the pepper soup but ‘NO’

Honestly, It’s not ok for him to treat his wife like this because, marriage is not slavery.

When he returns from his fish pepper soup eating trip. Don’t bring up the matter. Let him wait forever for your

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After 22 years in a loveless Marriage, Can anyone use Wendy Williams?

wendy williams


After some long years of being with a husband who had no respect for Wendy Williams. There is no using than that one. what can be more or worse than that type of using?

She worked for looong years for ‘the family’ Her husband Kevin Hunter remained a husband just by title while his heart

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Libido Shaming: Wife scolded by other women for wanting more love making

libido shaming

A woman has been libido shamed by other women for asking what to do to enable her husband give more and satisfy her in the other room. First she explains that when she got married, she never liked sxx. That her husband complained, taught her and she became a pro.

Now she is ready for it, he gets a new job that’s very demanding and returns home tired every day. His tiredness is affecting their drive because now she wants what  he taught her to do and he cannot perform complaining daily of tiredness.

My first instinct when I read her plea on Social Media was to advise that she adds sex enhancing drugs like viagra to his juice at night. But then, I quickly changed my mind because of the side effects.

I can’t believe that fellow women and wives are telling her to get a job and forget about sex because it’s not food.

No one should experience li ido shaming. Some husbands actually do this, they say these things and make the woman begin to shy away from demanding for their rightful biological food. Wives too do libido shame their husband, making them feel like they are asking for too much when actually the are not. Just that the libidos aren’t the same.

What the women said to this sex starved wife are things we shouldn’t’;t say to any sewx starved person. Whether man or woman. Sex is a part of marriage and if one person is not getting the food when they are hungry, then maybe they are being starved.

Sometimes, when people ask for advice, it’s best to not say anything if it’s going to make them feel uncomfortable or regret asking the question.

Look at the advice given to the outspoken wife and share your thoughts too.

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