The complete survival guide for long-haul flights

survival guidede

Dealing with long flights has never bееn fun because most people dоn’t know how tо approach it. First long haul flights will definitely рrеѕеnt аn uncomfortable, even реrрlеxing, рrоblеm, Whаt саn уоu dо to mаnаgе ѕuсh a long flight?! Here аrе some gооd tips: 

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In Nigerian culture, who pays for the wedding?

Showing a traditional nigerian wedding with the groom kneeling before his bride for exchange of rings
In Nigerian culture, who pays for the wedding?

Hello Aunty Eya ma, kindly help a blog reader clarify who pays for the wedding in Nigeria?

I am a non Nigerian woman engaged to  a Nigerian man and we plan on having our wedding in Nigeria. My fiance has been a great gentleman and I’d love to foot some of the wedding bills. Our wedding budget is not really huge

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Nigerian writes on Married #BBnaija housemate Mike Edwards


Nigerian lady has shared her views on SM. She wants to know why 2019 Big Brother Naija housemates all speak with foreign accents and why the rich got voted into the house instead of poor Nigerians who really need the BBnaija prize to change their lives?

On her Facebook, while sharing photos of Housemate Mike and his

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