Benefits of fish pepper soup during pregnancy

Fish pepper soup is a delicacy in Nigeria,  cooked with mainly fresh fish and lots of pepper and spices.  

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Why you should Stop Mixing Funbact A with shea butter for babies

See why you should stop mixing Funbact A tube with shea butter for babies. kernel oil or any other oil to apply on your baby’s skin. Please stop mixing Funbact A in shea butter to apply on children.
Idon’t even know where to start but pls stop it.

Funbact A is not a cosmetic or body cream it is A DRUG called CORTICOSTEROID, designed for SHORT TERM treatment of allergy and inflammation. Not for long term use. Use funbact A as prescribed not as a skin bleaching agent for kids.

Using funbact A to bleach your children skin is dangerous.


funbact a tube
Why you should Stop Mixing Funbact A with shea butter for babies

Long Term use of funbact A and any steroid can lead to the following side effects:

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Camphor and mentholatum linked to jaundice in newborn babies

Camphor causing jaundice in babies

Dear Mums.

Camphor is honestly linked to jaundice in babies. Mentholatum too is linked to jaundice because it contains

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