How to make plate moi moi that tastes like leaf moi moi

Here is how to make plate moi moi that tastes like leaf moi, I had to make the moi moi using both broad moi moi leaves and moi moi plates. Plate moi moi here is moi  moi made using bowls like the moi moi bowls sold at markets

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How to boil yam without peeling the skin

boiling yam with skin
How to boil yam without peeling the skin

How to boil yam with skin

I learnt to boil yam without peeling the skin, this was while growing up. Never remembered this method in my house. As a child growing up in my parents house, there were times we just washed the yam seedlings and boiled without peeling.

The peels come off easily after the boiled yam is cooked soft. This type of boiled yam is best enjoyed with palm oil or

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