How To Make Nigerian corn starch pap

 Millet soaked in water for eight hours about to be taken to the mill for processing.

How To make Nigerian corn starch pap also known as akamu, ogi, pap from scratch is very easy.

The procedure for making pap is the same whether you use maize, millet, guinea corn or any grain. It is just having to soak the grain in water for one day or two days for maize to ferment and soften a bit.

Milling and filtering out the starch with a cheesecloth while the chaff is set aside and used for other purposes like feed for animals.

The end product will have different colours depending on the grain used
 but the method for making pap is the same for all grains. 

In May 6, 2013, I published a request here on a blog. A reader wanted to know how to make corn starch (akamu) from scratch.

You lovely ladies helped out with the procedure but there were no pics added. Then, I had no baby and depended on my akamu customer for raw starch. whenever we wanted to serve pap on a lazy Saturday morning with some delicious home-made akara she was right there. 



Over one year has passed and now, here are the pics poster. Now you can make your pap at home from scratch. F
or other new moms who cannot trust anyone to process their babies’ cornmeal. If these pics are not clear enough and you still have questions, feel free to ask, other moms here and we will try our best with answers.

My babies were are all fed with Nigerian pap. I never buy for babies, process myself and store in the cold fridge. The girls all enjoyed their pap with my simple soyabean powder which I also make myself (I have the pics waiting to be posted).

The process of making soya bean for babies is a bit complex for me cos of time so I always just roast and grind the soya beans .

Without adding other ingredients and it worked for me however, their brother took that for a few weeks and started turning his head when he sees the spoon approaching so I tried adding SMA and that worked perfectly. He now takes ogi with SMA and he is fine.

To make the  Nigerian pap (akamu) I like to use yellow maize because of the bright colour but decided to try millet this time around and it’s great. For maize, it is soaked for one or two days before milling, depending on how fermented I want my pap.

Millet doesn’t need to

stay that long in water. This was soaked for eight hours only.


  1. Soak grains
  2. Mill soaked grains.
  3. Wash with cheesecloth or very fine sieve
  4. Leave to settle
  5. Drain water and find the Raw pap settled at the bottom.
  6. Remove excess water and save Nigerian Raw pap in the Fridge.

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