How to make shawarma with frying pan

shawarma made with my frying pan still sitting on the pan after cooking
How to make shawarma with frying pan

I want to share with us how to make shawarma with frying pan. Shawarma can be made without an oven or microwave. My kids want homemade, I want to make it for them but there is no electricity. This is Nigeria!

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How to make shawarma sauce in Nigeria

Making shawarma sauce with these ingredients
Mixing the ingredients in this picture for one time use shawarma sauce. Make more sauce and store in the fridge

Come and see how to make shawarma sauce in Nigeria

This shawarma sauce is what I use for all my shawarma recipes; Homemade chicken shawarma, Homemade beef shawarma and all every every. It

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How to make homemade pizza without sauce

Pizza made without red sauce
How to make homemade pizza without sauce

Here is How I made delicious pizza without sauce

I learnt that pizza without sauce is called pizza Bianca. Does this qualify for pizza Bianca? Although there was no red

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