Read Below:
My daughter, Today you have become a wife.
The position of a wife is that of great responsibility. It is the responsibility of a home builder.
A wise wife will build her home. A foolish wife will destroy her home with her own hands.
My daughter, don’t be a foolish wife. Don’t be a rebellious wife..Rebellion is bad. It is like witchcraft.
Rebellion will cause strife in your home.
Strife will cause war in your home
War will destroy your home.
War will destroy all the good things that you have. War will destroy you.
Remember that no individual or community or nation can make progress during war
If there is No peace, there will not be progress… THAT IS THE RULE..
My daughter, if you want your home to progress, let peace reign.
Prayers will not help you if you’re disobedient and contentious..
My daughter, seek peace.
My daughter, with everything inside of you, seek peace.
God made your husband your head.
God knows why He arranged it that way.
Dont try to rearrange God’s arrangement.
You don’t know better than God.
For those who try to rearrange God’s arrangements only end up in serious trouble…
Your husband is your head. Respect and revere your head. For life is in the head..
You must submit to your own husband because the head is the keeper of authority. YOUR HUSBAND IS YOUR HEAD..
Never pour verbal abuse on your husband because he may not forget…
Learn to make your point and keep quiet. If not, you may say things that you will regret..
Don’t struggle to prove superior to the man you married.
Don’t act like you know better than your husband. A lot of
wives think that their husbands are stupid just because things are not working out as fast as they want.
My daughter, don’t make the mistake of comparing your husband with other men. You did not marry other men.
Don’t compare your husband with your ex-boy friend. Remember, if your ex-boy friend thought you were good enough, he would have married you long before your husband came..
My daughter, your husband’s weak points are his food and his sex. Make sure you don’t starve him of both. If you do, you may push him out of the home.
Remember, sex and food are easy to buy outside. But money cannot buy love and commitment.
My daughter, avoid speaking in anger, else you will say things that may come back to hunt you.
Remember that all men including your father have big ego. If you crush a man’s ego, you have crushed his heart. Avoid saying silly things to your husband.
My daughter, again, i beg you, Let peace reign in your home, for where there is peace, there will be progress.
Pray for your husband. Be your husband’s best friend.
Be your husband’s pastor at home.
Always bless your husband with your prayers.
He will one day become your full desire.
The favour your husband obtains depends on how good a wife you are.
Let your submission and peace bring prosperity in your home.
Joyfully manage what your husband can provide, because there is a young widow out there who is saying to God, if only my husband was still alive.
Remember that there are lonely ladies out there believing God for a husband…if you are careless with your husband, you may loose him.. Don’t think this can not happen. It always happens to the careless and the ungrateful…
Remember that Esther found favour at the expense of a BEAUTIFUL BUT PROUD AND UNGRATEFUL wife…
Remember that Vashti and Esther married the same man but had different stories to tell.
Remember that the difference in their story was nothing more than the difference in their attitude to marriage..
My daughter, study the book of Esther in the bible at least ones every two months.. it will always remind you of what happens to proud and nasty wives..
Remember that if you are a good wife, your husband will not want to loose you. WHO WANTS TO LOOSE A GOOD THING?
If you are a good wife, your husband will defend you with all he has. WHO WANTS TO LOOSE A GOOD THING?
Remember that money doesn’t make a home.
Money is only the icing on your cake.
Icing is never as important as the cake..
Icing is beautiful. Beauty is attractive..but if the cake is rotten, no matter how beautiful it looks on the outside, it is still a rotten cake. NO BODY WANTS TO EAT A ROTTEN CAKE.
Your home is your cake. Don’t allow your home to rotten under your watch..
Very good
Nice one
Wow! This is such a good read…very insightful and helpful. I am glad I read this now.
God bless you aunty Eya for this.
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Love this!!! Omg!! I absolutely love this Blog, just stumbled on it a few minutes ago!! Great Job
Beautiful write up.
lets not LOSE a good thing