Dad narrates how his baby girl was born premature and nearly couldn’t make it but God came through for them. The roller coaster of emotions and hopelessness, then, the miracle baby miraculously survived.
“Our little miracle, Grace Kathryn was born on April 10, 2018 at 22 weeks and three days. Weighing 1lb. The experience was definitely life changing with daily changes to her health reports while in the NICU.
Sometimes we would take one step forward to only take two steps backward. One minute we were celebrating and the next minute crying. The hardest part was being discharged from the hospital while my baby was still there fighting.
She was tiny and fragile. I wanted to be the one fighting for her as I felt that she was innocent and didn’t deserve any of what was happening at the time. For the first week, I cried day and night.
Then, one day, I decided to get off the roller coaster and trust in God. This is probably one of few experiences in my life when I didn’t have any control. Once I got off the roller coaster, I was empowered to listen to God and on;ly accept the Doctor’s report as FYI and not as a report of who Gracie would be as God is the healer.
This changed my NICU experience into focusing on celebrating life instead of feeling like a victim. The Bible tells us that Faith the size of a mustard seed can move a mountains – I’m a true believer. Today our daughter is doing extremely well. We are amazed at her progress and are thankful to God for his everlasting Grace.
She truly is viewed with God’s grace.