Okra soup with small eba. |
DAY 23, my weight loss journey. Monday, March 26, 2018. Ok, for those asking for a meal plan, please just give me some time to confirm that I can lose weight with Nigerian food. Once it’s confirmed, I drop below 80 kg, I’ll write out the meal plan for anyone interested.
There was no breakfast. Lunch was a small fist sized eba with okra soup.
Dinner was onion and cucumber salad with an avocado and boiled egg.
CHECK OUT: All Okro soup recipes on the blog
My present weight is below…
81 kg. Scroll down to see.
81 kg
Keep up the good works. The result is showing.
I appreciate sis. Thank you.
Congratulations ma. You are an inspiration to me. Thanks.
Just had my baby and he is five months now. Don't know if i should join the weight loss train now or still wait for some time.
Please Ma what do you think please advise.
Thanks a lot.
See eh @Glory, if the baby is on breastmilk, please give him a bit more time and join when he's weaned ok?
OK ma, Thank you very much