Yam porridge with green vegetables and fresh tomatoes cooked together

Green vegetables and fresh tomatoes cooked together. If you like to eat yam Neal’s, you’ll most definitely enjoy cooking and eating this yam porridge .

We are still on lockdown due to COVID-19 and I am trying my best as a mum to ensure that the kids have green vegetables daily in their meals.

I hear eating greens daily can keep the doctor and health worker away, so let’s also do our best as we hope pray and stay safe with social distancing, regular handwashing and wearing a face mask outside ifwe must go out.

These are not the best times to make yourself sick and go searching for hospital appointments because the healthcare provider is very busy with COVID-19 patients and sometimes only attending to emergency cases if it’s not Coronavirus.

Even though there is contact less food delivery across the country, many families are opting to cook their meals themselves in these trying times to stay safe.


So, let’s feed the kids with greens by finding creative ways to add vegetables to meals in a way that kids love. When vegetables look and taste this good, kids will love to eat like right now my cooking pot is already empty as I type on the keyboard.


How to prepare yam porridge with green vegetables, fresh tomatoes and vegetable oil


  • Vegetable oil
  • Palm oil
  • Onion
  • Ground crayfish
  • Fresh pepper
  • Fresh tomatoes
  • Seasoning cubes
  • Water
  • Yam pieces
  • Dried catfish
  • Green vegetables


Before you start cooking, get all the ingredients ready: Wash and chop the onion, tomatoes, peppers, green vegetables and keep close by on the kitchen cabinets or slabs.

Wash, brush and debone the dried catfish too. Peel, wash and cut the yam into small cubes ready for cooking.


How to prepare Yam porridge with green vegetables and fresh tomatoes cooked together
  1. Heat vegetable oil and palm oil together in your cooking pot.
  2. Add the chopped onion, tomatoes, pepper, crayfish and seasoning cubes. Leave to stir fry until.you van can enjoy the nice aroma in the kitchen.
  3. Add yam and water. Let the water almost cover the yam but not completely.
  4. Stir and leave to boil. Check for taste and cover the pot to boil very well and cook. I didn’t need to add salt because by the time I checked, the seasoning cubes had added enough salt in the food already.
  5. Add the deboned washed dried fish and stir.
  6. Regularly check and stir  while the pot is covered halfway now so the water can reduce as yam cooks.
  7. When the yam is cooked soft enough? Feel free to add the cut, washed green vegetables and stir very well.
  8. Immediately check for taste and turn off the stove before vegetables overcook.
  9. Enjoy with family and loved ones isolating with you under the lockdown.

Have fun  making our Yam porridge with green vegetables and fresh tomatoes cooked together.

  1.  Rice moi moi recipe 
  2. How to cook coconut milk plantain porridge 
  3. Five foods hernia patients should include in their diet 
  4. All purpose chicken egusi soup /stew 
  5. Simple Nigerian yam porridge recipe 

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