Curried Vegetable Rice Served with Chicken

Curried Vegetable Rice Served with Chicken.



  • White Rice
  • Chicken
  • Sweet corn (optional)
  • Kidney beans
  • peas
  • Carrots
  • cabbage
  • onions
  • Green Pepper
  • Cooking oil (soya or vegetable oil)
  • Water
  • Much Curry
  • salt
  • seasoning cubes.( knorr or maggi)

Dear Diary, 

The girls call it fried rice because it tastes the same. The quantity of veggies depend on how much you like in your rice. I like them scanty!
I needed chicken stock to cook my rice with, so, I had to boil the  salted chicken a little with some chopped onions. The stock gave the rice a special kind of flavor that I love. I still fried and microwaved a little after boiling. This time I did not toast the salted chicken in a dry pot like I almost always do.


  1. The washed rice is poured in a pot of boiling water ( Chicken stock), Much curry is poured in * enough curry to give the desired color.
  2. Knorr cubes, salt and some chopped onion are added. The pot is covered and allowed to cook.
  3. While the rice cooks, the carrots are chopped into tiny cubes. the green pepper too. The cabbage is shredded (cut) into tiny little short pieces.
  4. Some (a little, enough to cook without soaking the veggies) cooking oil is poured in a pan, the chopped carrots, green pepper,cabbage, green peas and some onion are poured in before it is placed on the cooker. I did this to prevent the oil from frying the veggies. This way, the oil only cooks ( stir fries)  them a little without frying brown or dry.*do not heat oil before adding the veggies.
  5. Some curry and seasoning is added to the veggies( to taste). The content is stirred continuously.


  6.   Before turning the heat off, the kidney beans (canned)  is poured in and stirred. Satisfied with the taste? Heat goes off.
  7. By now the cooking of rice is done. A big bowl is used to gradually mix the cooked rice with the stir fried vegetables. A wooden spoon makes the mixing easier. I scoop some rice from the pot into the bowl, pour in some vegetables and sweet corn, and then mix evenly. This is repeated until the whole pot of rice is mixed. 
  8. For the chicken, a little boiling with some water, salt and onion to get out the stock. Then fried just a little before giving it some drying in the microwave.

    Long cooking in the microwave can destroy all the food nutrients, so, I do it long enough to cook right inside where the cooking oil could not penetrate ( Important when frying time is very short).

    Microwaving my chicken helps me serve or bite with confidence because, then, I’m  sure that even with the short time frying, no one will see blood in their chicken. I have bitten into a piece of chicken and seen blood before, so, I know the disgusted feeling.

    Sometimes I cook with boiled and chopped cow liver in place of kidney beans. 
    Every time I mention the word liver, my girls become disgusted with the food because of the word liver, I decided to replace it with kidney beans and try to avoid saying the word kidney. Lol!

A plate of food
Curried Vegetable Rice Served with Chicken
  1. Serve HOT!
Have you bitten into a juicy piece of fried chicken and seen blood before? where? and how did you feel? *wink* #examination tinz.

15 thoughts on “Curried Vegetable Rice Served with Chicken”

  1. Thanks for this breakfast post. I particularly like the veggies for richness. On your question, let me not spoil business for some people, but I have experienced it many times and at some point decided not to eat chicken out at those eatries again. I dont know if it's just a style of cooking or if it's pressure to meet demand.

  2. *Smiling* I have bitten into a drumstick with blood in an eatery too. It is neither style of cooking nor pressure to meet demand. They want the chicken looking full and juicy and so do not fry it for long.
    MY TIP: A little microwaving takes away all that blood.

  3. You are welcome Ugochi. The day I bit into that drumstick and saw blood, I couldn't bring myself to eat again chicken for some months. My favorite parts are the wings and legs *wink* Parts where you can never see blood!

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